12 Inch DE Filter Grids
DE Filter Full Grid 12 inch for 24 Sq Ft Filters FC-9320, FG-1002$22.990 reviews
- "Full" DE Filter Grid
- Filbur part number FC-9320
- Identical to Unicel FG-1002
Pentair Purex SMBW 4024 Filter Grid 12 inch FC-9220$25.990 reviews- Filbur part number FC-9220
- Identical to Unicel FG-1224
- Replaces Pentair part number
DE Filter Grid Set 12 Inch for 24 Sq Ft Filters - 7 Full, 1 Partial - FC-9520$124.990 reviews- Height: 12"
- 7 Full, 1 Partial
- Full set of 8
Pentair 59023800 Complete Element Grid Assembly for FNS Plus 24 Sq Ft$399.990 reviews- For FNS Plus 24 Sq Ft
- Complete DE grid assembly
- Original Pentair parts
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